Main products: Childrens costumes; childrens party wear; girls dresses; unstuffed bears; unstuffed animals;15 inch bear clothing;15 inch doll clothing; wholesale Halloween costumes; fancy dress costumes

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Manufacturer and wholesaler of high quality, affordable childrens dress-up costumes for everyday dress-up play based on children''s favorite play themes: Reversible princess costumes, construction tool belt & hat, cooking apron and hat, engineer hat and whistle, purple face backpack like Dora the Explorer, cowboy and cowgirl. Large 15 inch unstuffed bears and unstuffed animals: Brown bear, white, bear, panda bear, koala bear, bunny, pig, cow, horse, unicorn, dog, cat, cow, lion, moose, gorilla, tiger, lamb, poodle, frog, elephant

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Factory Location5325 Lews Crt, Shawnee, Kansas, United States Jiaxing,Zhejiang
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main ProductsChildrens costumes; childrens party wear; girls dresses; unstuffed bears; unstuffed animals;15 inch bear clothing;15 inch doll clothing; wholesale Halloween costumes; fancy dress costumes
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We ProvideChildrens costumes; childrens party wear; girls dresses; unstuffed bears; unstuffed animals;15 inch bear clothing;15 inch doll clothing; wholesale Halloween costumes; fancy dress costumes
Year Established2000

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